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Jungmin Byon

Is Evangelism Necessary? 전도, 꼭 해야 하나요? (In Korean)

A Workshop by Rev. Jungmin Byon (Associate Pastor, Korean United Methodist Church of Greater Washington)

About this Workshop

IN PERSON ONLY -- It is a time to think about why we should evangelize and how to do it, using biblical evidence, and to embrace a passion for saving one soul.

성경적 근거를 통해, 전도를 왜 해야 하고, 어떻게 해야 하는지 생각해보며, 한 영혼 구원을 위한 열정을 품는 시간입니다.

*This workshop will be presented in Korean. It will not be presented in English.

About The Speaker

Jungmin Byon

Rev. Jungmin Byon

Associate Pastor, Korean United Methodist Church of Greater Washington


Floris UMC

Floris UMC

13600 Frying Pan Rd, Herndon