Floris UMC

About this Venue

We are excited to welcome folks to Training Day in person this year. Our friends at Floris UMC have graciously opened their doors to our event once again.

Floris United Methodist Church in Herndon, Virginia, is committed to make a difference in the lives of those in the community and the world.

Floris UMC


Floris UMC

Floris UMC

13600 Frying Pan Rd, Herndon


Keynote: Recovering the "E" Word

Matt Miofsky

Administrative Committees in the United Methodist Church (In Korean)

Kyungsuk Cho

Evangelism In Kids Ministry

Esther Gray

Innovate Your Youth Ministry

Liz Moore

Let Go: Leaning into the Future Without Fear (Managing Transition in your church)

Matt Miofsky

Neighboring Relationships as Evangelism

Lynne Caldwell

Principalities and Powers: Social Structures and the Reign of God

Rick Elgendy

Becoming Ourselves: Restorative Practices for Ministry

Liz Moore

B.R.E.A.T.H Disciple: A Practical Pathway

Piper Ramsey-Sumner

Discipleship in Kids Ministry

Esther Gray

Is Evangelism Necessary? 전도, 꼭 해야 하나요? (In Korean)

Jungmin Byon

Preaching for Growth: Worship as Evangelism

Matt Miofsky

Social Justice and Evangelism

Laura B. Kigweba